What is the Difference Between Meditation and Visualization?

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Many people see these processes of visualization and meditation as the same thing. How often will we go sit in a quiet place and meditate? But do we really do what meditation is intended for? Visualization is an active process. It is something we constantly do whether we are aware of it or not.

I want to talk about the differences in visualization and meditation and how they both can be an aid in helping us to manifest the lives that we so richly desire and deserve abraham hicks meditation music.

Think of our minds as a body of water

I want to start of with an analogy to explain the difference and benefits of meditation and visualization. We can think of our thoughts as a body of water.

Normally ur thoughts are the equivalent of a raging out of control White Water River. The kind of river that you would go on when you want to have the adventure of being tossed around too and fro. The river just goes where it wishes and without direction or intent.

When we us visualization it is like a stream that can be directed. When we are a conscious creator we can cause it to flow in the direction of our intent. In other words we can consciously visualize the life or situations that we intend or desire to have. It is in a much more controlled state than the White Water River or normal operating mind.

When we meditate our minds are the equivalent of a cool mountain lake. The surface is so still and serene it reflects the show capped mountains like a mirror. It is undisturbed.

Our desires can be thought of like a pebble

Let's think of our desires as being a rounded pebble. The pebble is what we toss out to the universe when we desire a certain thing in our lives. It is our message to the universe.

We have desires and we want the universe to help us manifest them. However, most days we toss that pebble of a desire into the white water river. It simply gets lost in all the churning and commotion of the water (thought). there are so many conflict directions that the water (thought) is going the universe does not have time to set things in motion or what we do set in motion is canceled out be conflicting thoughts.

When we visualize we can toss that pebble of desire in to a more controlled setting. We can actually change the direction of the stream. When we consciously create we turn the stream into direction of the life we visualize. The pebble (desire) can roll along the bottom of the stream with little resistance to what we wish to create in our life. Visualization is a act of will. When you are aware of what you are doing, many people are not, then you are consciously intending a desired outcome.

It is possible to have such a strong desire that it can overcome limiting beliefs. Remember, beliefs are a pattern of thoughts backed up by emotion and imagination. For example, many people have probably heard of the story of the lady who had a son trapped under a car that physically lifted the car off of her son! In this instance her desire was so strong that is overrode any belief that she could not do it. We all have that kind of power in us.

What happens when we still our mind?

When we meditate we still our thoughts to the point that there is no resistance. In these moments of meditation we can toss our pebble (desire) into the still lake. It sends out ripples that flow out into the universe in every direction. When the ripples find a match to our vibration they bounce back and bring to us what we sent out. Because there is no resistance our desires can manifest. As Abraham-Hicks would say, "this is the art of allowing."

Rather than using our will as in visualization. We simply put ourselves in a receptive non-resistant state during meditation. Meditation is the art of quieting the mind so that you may allow, or be resistance free for a time.

Necessary tools for conscious creating

When you can use visualization in conjunction with meditation you will have an awesome manifesting repertoire in your arsenal of conscious creating. Visualization and meditation is not the same thing. Visualization is a use of your will. Meditation is being in a state of receptivity or allowance. They are both necessary tools in becoming a conscious creator.


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