Meditation Made Easy - How to Meditate For Transcendence

Meditation has never been easy for beginners even for many of those with long experience. Here, I attempt to present a way that, with my over thirty years of experience, I consider to be the easiest and more effective way to succeed. There are a variety of methods proposed by experts, such as concentrating on one subject or on counting your breathing from one to four and repeating it. All these methods are aimed at clearing your mind from any other thoughts which may cause some degree of mental relaxation. As you choose and advance in any of these methods, you would be able to bring down or totally eliminate your mental depression, bodily pain, anxiety as well as fatigue from your daily work whether it is mental or physical.

It won't be easy to achieve these aims. It requires years of serious practice. It demands absolute concentration, unshakeable discipline, continuity and determination for success. These are necessary because unconsciously we have given our mind a total freedom of thought on whatever, whenever and wherever it may desire to extend. It won't be easy to harness its floating and restrict it only to one thought, one place or one situation.

The meditation methods mentioned above, if mastered, may achieve the goals mentioned above to different degrees. These goals all are related to our mental, physical and material world. The practice also discipline our mind and bring it under our control. The latter is the most resourceful attainment we may achieve. However, none of these practices extends the mind beyond our material environment and mental conditions associated with it.

The mind, which is the same as the soul or spirit, is a matterless entity with incredible capacity to expand beyond our body and our material planet into the materless world which also embodies the whole of the material Universe. The mind resides within our brain, as sitting in a pilot's cockpit controlling our physical and mental functions. To reach any distance beyond our planet, we must transcend our planet into the unlimited outer space including the whole universe. It is the only way we can reach galaxies, stars and other planets and have contacts with other civilizations. The idea of being able to travel physically to other planets outside of our solar system in the search for other civilizations is nothing more than just a wishful thinking. If we consider a spaceship with an incredible speed of 200,000 miles per hour, equal to ten times going around our planet in one hour, will take 2,200 years to travel a distance of just one light year which has a speed over 180,000 miles per second. The closest star to our planet is many light years away. For the same reason no one or being from any other planet is able to visit us by any kind of spaceship. The UFO stories do not make sense unless they are of our own creation. Therefore, meditation to transcend is the only way to reach the extremities of the Universe. This is possible because once the mind expands beyond the material world, the elements of time and space disappear. Within the sphere of the extension of the mind you can be any place in a matter of no time. This means you may travel thousands of light years at a glance so to speak.

This was the sole purpose of my attraction to meditation. The idea didn't come to me from nowhere. Based on the experiences of my childhood and further studies when I became older, I knew there were likely thousands of individuals in this planet capable of transcending to outer space and some landing in other planets with its own civilization They have been able to communicate with them and were still doing so. I later, by my own experience, learned that there are very many beings from other planets here on Earth interacting with our people and helping them to a better way of life as much as they can. Under the present limited scientific knowledge, this is almost impossible to understand. When you transcend to another planet you may live there and interact with its people, appearing under our standards of time, to amount for years, but when you return to your body, no time has past from the time of your departure. I know it is almost impossible to understand but I know it is true because I personally have experienced it.

Now that I have described my purpose for meditation, I can explain the process by which I started it, improved it and reached the best and easiest way that it can be done. From my childhood I was familiar with the extraordinary results of transcendental meditation since my father had oriental friends, particularly from India who visited him now and then and stayed with us for a day or two. These were people called fakir who through meditation had been able to gain the power of seeing the future of an individual by just looking at him or her. It was one of these fakirs who after looking at me pointedly, when I was in the process of serving tea for him, told my father that I will gain access to the world beyond ours and cause transformation in the civilization and way of life. I was only eleven year old and did not really understood the meaning of his statement at the time. I didn't know what my father thought of this but he later on told me to forget what the man had said, it didn't mean anything. I did forget all about it until about a year later a gypsy fortune teller came to our house, on my step mother's invitation, to tell her fortune. By my mothers insistence she also looked at mine. To my surprise and amazement, by opening and placing her fortune-telling cards one by one on the floor, she end up telling me nearly the same prediction made by the Indian fakir. My mother dismissed her claims which made the gypsy woman upset. Leaving the house, while passing by me, she murmured " You should believe and remember what the cards have revealed." My step mother later on told me, laughingly, not to pay any attention, they just say these things to make some money. However, I never forgot the two predictions. It remained an important force in directing me to meditation. It fortified my determination to continue and go back to it each time after I had given up because of not having any success. Some fifty years later, when I first succeeded in my transcendence, I realized the truth about the two predictions.

Initially, I had chosen to go to the top of a hill in the farm I owned next to my house. It was surrounded by trees and plants. There was a rock on the top of the hill and I always sat on it in the evening concentrating on the horizon until the sun would go down and darkness would envelop the surroundings. I continued this practice, for twelve years, on and off, without success. In 1968, when I was in Colombia on a research project in helping the municipal governments to modernize their administrative and financial sectors, I was asked by the Colombian government if I would go to the Putumayo Amazons and try to establish a municipal government for some 20,000 frontier people and incorporate in it some 200 Indian tribes. I found it a unique opportunity to visit a rare region of the world untouched by modern civilization and technology. I accepted and was send to the locality by a helicopter since there were no roads for other kinds of transportation. The name of the community I created was Puerto Aziz on the bank of Putumayo River which now has over a quarter of a million population.

I spent over five weeks in the wilderness of the Amazons submerged in its dark nights , solitude, away from all amenities of the modern world. I was entertained and at times frightened each night by the sounds and cries of the creatures in the jungle surrounding me. The immense differences between the two worlds of modern-industrialized and old-primitive-traditional had attracted my attention. In the peaceful and dark nights of the jungle, I was continually reminded of the extensive poverty, despair, fraud, and corruption I had witnessed in the so-called civilized world, along with unrelenting human thirst for material gains. With the passage of every night in the solitude of the immense jungle, I had become deeper and deeper involved in these thoughts and started to think why there was so much injustice in the world where there is enough for everyone to live comfortably. The sounds of jungle had turned into some kind of message and cries for help and direction. I was driven closer and closer to the primitive jungle life.[1] I paid more and more attention to my surroundings trying to extract some meaning from them. It seemed that the nature through all its creatures and way of life was trying to convey a message to me. On occasions it appeared as a form of command penetrating my soul and creating a distinct feeling that I was not alone, someone or something was with me and within me.

As the nights with solitude passed, my inner feelings became more and more vivid. Besides all the creatures of the jungle and its total being, I developed an increasing sense of a companion with me and within me. It was an extraordinary feeling. This companion not only directed me in my thoughts but focused my attention directly on the primitive and natural world around me. The jungle nights became less and less frightful and the sounds from its creatures appeared normal and less disturbing. Gradually within a few weeks, I began to look forward to disappearance of the sun and gradual dominance of darkness and the nightfall. I grew anxious for the companionship of my "inner thoughts" which not only became increasingly distinct from my own, but clearly responded to my thoughts and provided me either with answer or directed me where I would find one. "Could this be my Creator?" I asked myself evey time. The answer always was "Who else could it be?"


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